How to carve an original jack-o-lantern

Then, scrape the inside of the pumpkin with your spoon to remove any soft tissue and prevent rotting. Now, cut out your design with the knife using an up and down motion along each line you drew. Finally, set a candle or light inside of your carved pumpkin and put the top back on.

Don't just dive in there and start hacking away with a knife. Exposure to oxygen and loss of moisture into dry air also contribute to the breakdown. There are a few things you can do so your carved pumpkin stays reasonably firm and attractive for as long as possible.

Get a taste of Italy via these seasoned pumpkin seeds which are coated in fennel seed, dried oregano, and grated Parmigiano-Reggiano. Looking for a few delicious roasted pumpkin seed recipes? Roast the pumpkin seeds in the oven for up to 45 minutes. Kidz Samhain was celebrated on Nov. 1 in ancient Britain and Ireland, marking the end of summer and the beginning of the new year.

Evan and Soria have found that putting jack-o’-lanterns right outside your door can dissuade larger animals from stopping by for a bite. We do not recommend brining pumpkins, spraying them with bleach or, um, coating them in WD-40, as some questionable advisors on the internet might suggest. Any of these options can be harmful to wildlife—not to mention that they are a lot of work for what might still be little or no payoff.

Now, have one of the children start separating the seeds from the glop. Scoop out the stringy pulp and seeds with your hands or a long-handled spoon, placing the seeds in one bowl and the pulp in another one for the chickens or the compost pile. You may need to gently pry it out by inserting your sturdy knife (or a sturdy butter knife, if you’ve been cutting with a small saw) under one edge.

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